Happy holidays!
It’s such a special time of the year when a business like ours has the opportunity to look back at the past year and see how fortunate we are to have an amazing team and the best customers in town. We truly are blessed to have the support of a community that continues to trust in the service Sparkle offers. Our ongoing relationships are not just customer relationships, but more like partners in their business. Being partners means constantly maintaining and upgrading the image of our partners. This isn’t solely limited to the men and women of Kern County that utilize the uniform service. More than any other time of year, our linen service is put on display for hundreds of thousands of guests celebrating the holidays. Maybe this is at a business celebration, dining out with family or friends, or a private sponsored event. Local eateries, restaurants, private clubs and businesses drape the holiday tables with the bright colors of the season. Stockings may be hung by the chimney with care, but it’s the Sparkle napkin that is folded and prepared, laid before those ready to dine on a memorable holiday meal. As many local businesses begin to scale back activity, the Sparkle service department is hard at work. Taking orders, delivering the fresh napkins and tablecloths that match the decorations, picking up the dirty linen for wash; its all a cycle that repeats itself daily. Not till after the new year is here can we take a break and celebrate the holiday. Then we can look back and see just how much we have accomplished. At Sparkle, we know how lucky are to be able to provide these services to so many great customers. To you we say “Thank You” From the entire Sparkle team, we want to wish everyone a very happy holidays. May the new year bring you prosperity and growth.