As a local independent small business, we strive for the appreciation of our loyal clients for outstanding customer service.
With decades serving Bakersfield and the surrounding communities, our team understands full-well that customer service is the true core of all successful partnerships. From the beginning back in 1950, we’ve witnessed evolving technology integrated into just about every aspect of the uniform and linen rental business. Consistently providing the best overall uniform and linen rental service to our many clients as our primary directive, we vouch for the value of personal customer service in all areas. Technology has come a long way in helping provide a better customer experience. The Sparkle ScanTrax program is the pinnacle of technology for the uniform industry. No other tracking system is more durable, accurate and user friendly than this new RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) process. And every Sparkle customer gets this new high level of service with every uniform program we offer.
Does that mean the new ScanTrax program has removed human interaction from the process? Quite the opposite. With a professional and high tech uniform rental service – particularly one that includes full laundering service – your employees’ uniforms are always maintained by a human being who is properly trained and responsible for the treatment and care of the clothing. Our production team carefully handles each garment through multiple touch points in our plant. Team members can identify quality concerns and address them immediately with our mending and repair station, or if need be, check our onsite stockroom for replacement inventory. The production team is empowered with the ability to communicate and fix just about any quality concern that may show up through the garment inspection process. Caring for and laundering garments is a hands-on job with quality assurance and accountability that only a human can provide.
It’s one thing to stick to practices that are proven to work and have paved the way for a success between commercial laundries and their customers. As mentioned above, loyalty and decades of service have made Sparkle what it is today. But it’s another to not evolve with the industry or move forward down a path of what the customer needs or can find new value in utilizing new technology. Sparkle has continually reinvested into better forms of technology to provide our customers not only a great experience through day-to-day uniform management, but also a consistent and trusted value year after year. Meaning, as the customers needs change, and Sparkle’s process evolves and more technology comes to be a part of the laundry service, our customers experience the benefits of this new technology at little or no extra costs. From reporting, to on-demand account access, to at-a-glance information, Sparkle customers have quick access to help manage wearer inventories and overall costs. All this added value comes included with every program we offer. This is how a modern laundry rental service is supposed to operate. Does your current uniform rental company provide you with clear and easy to read statements? Do you have information about your account, wearers, and costs at the click of a button? Can you quickly know how many times an employee has used the uniform service in the past week or month? Do you know how many employees are NOT using the laundering service that YOU are paying for? These are just a few of the benefits a garment rental company with a local advantage can offer. Sparkle can say yes to all of these questions and more.
For over 67 years, Sparkle has provided cost-effective uniform rental services to many great businesses throughout Kern County. To learn more about how uniform rental can make your business more effective and economical, give us a call at 661.634.1130, or better yet come take a tour of our local laundering facility . You can see more of us at www.sparklerental.com